Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April and a Half.

It is the middle of April and this is a very busy, stressful and intense month for me.

Tomorrow, April 15th I will be at the Capitol in Saint Paul with several thousand of my friends suggesting that we Americans and Minnesotans are over taxed now, thank you very much.

I hope to see you there.

Prior to the 5pm event I will be working the second day taking down a MONSTER cottonwood tree in Saint Paul.

Busy but doable.

Gotta keep on moving.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Freedom Day, May 1 at the Minnesota State Capitol


May 1; Freedom Day, a day set aside to celebrate Freedom and Individual Liberty.

This will again be celebrated at the Capitol Mall in St. Paul by the liberty loving people of Minnesota, with support from the Freedom Day Foundation.

This will be the 15th commemoration of Freedom Day that the Freedom Day Foundation [FDF] has assisted the people of Minnesota in properly marking.

As in years past, this year’s celebration will again be punctuated with half hourly salutes to Freedom and Individual Liberty from two black powder cannon. One arrives from the New Ulm Battery, and the other from the Princeton irregulars.

We are offering six opportunities to pull the lanyard to fire a salute to Freedom to those 18 years or older for $100.
They are expected to go fast, first come first served. Reserve yours now before they are gone.

All are welcome to this family friendly celebration of these most American values. Pack a lunch, a jacket and the kids and come to the Capitol for an enjoyable day basking in the warmth of Freedom in Minnesota.


There is also a Freedom Day event page on “Facebook” sponsored by The Freedom Day Foundation.!/event.php?eid=219674240678

Any group, organization or individual who would like to help or participate can contact me at, facebook, or call me directly at 651-434-8664.

I can also be contacted for interview by any media by the same means.

Thank you,
Forrest C. Wilkinson
President of the Freedom Day Foundation [FDF]